
Tidemark Invests in Contentful

Here are the top three reasons we believe in Contentful.

What’s behind The Big Three? As a growth equity firm, we aspire to invest in the high point of excellence. We look for category leaders at the confluence and collision of ideas and domains.

We’re excited to be part of Contentful’s latest round, joining Tiger Global and Base10 as new investors. Contentful has evolved from a headless content management system (CMS), purpose-built for creating omnichannel digital experiences, to become the leading content platform with over 30% of the Fortune 500 as customers.* Thousands of brands around the world look to Contentful to create and manage digital experiences for their customers across any channel.

Here are the top three reasons we believe in Contentful:

#1 Secular Tailwinds

A modern digital experience is table stakes —  a trend that has only accelerated in the pandemic. Content is foundational to a great digital experience, and having a comprehensive content platform is the way to do it. Content platforms offer a superior architecture to abstract content from workflow and experience, and to allow consistent content across every touch point.

Tidemark’s team members have been active investors in the content management and marketing tech space for over a decade and Contentful is Tidemark’s big bet in content.

#2 Category Leadership

Contentful is the new way leading brands are solving for content. They are the clear category leader, by far, in scale and community. Contentful is powering the world’s biggest brands’ innovation in digital and driving fantastic results — on average, the company helps brands achieve 60% increase in ecommerce conversion, 5x faster load times, 3x increase in conversion from online store search, and 13% increase in average order value.** With numbers like that, it’s no surprise that Contentful is fast on the path to becoming a large platform company.  

We also believe Contentful will continue to gain share. General Partner Dave Yuan has admired Contentful’s CEO Steve Sloan over a decade, watching Steve scale as an executive and operator from Microsoft, Amazon, Marketo, Sendgrid and Twilio.

“Steve has an incredible background and capabilities, but more importantly, he’s a strong leader and visionary,” added Dave.

#3 Superlative Fundamentals

Contentful’s platform, which was built by builders, for builders, enables superlative customer experiences. By leveraging an API-driven and a cloud-based approach, Contentful is a great example of product led growth. Content is only growing in importance to brands and marketing, and it will increasingly be used and engaged across expanding touchpoints — from desktop to mobile, digital displays, apps, and other connected devices. Contentful should grow as their customers’ use of content grows.

As investors in Contentful, we’re thrilled to support their continued growth as they work to realize their long-term vision of becoming the cornerstone of companies’ composable digital experience stack.

*Source: Contentful press release, Contentful Closes $175 Million Funding Round led by Tiger Global (July 28, 2021)

**Source: Contentful website homepage,, accessed July 28, 2021

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